If your balcony is small, you can still enjoy lush blooms by choosing plants suitable for small pots. Here are some varieties to consider, with a special focus on dwarf hybrids.

Ideal Plants for Small Pots:

Begonias (Begonia semperflorens): These plants bloom continuously from April until late autumn, producing small flowers in white, pink, yellow, and red. They thrive in 12 cm diameter pots.
Calceolaria: This annual herbaceous plant flowers from April to June. It features small, heart-shaped leaves and uniquely shaped flowers in shades of orange, red, and brown, with contrasting spots. Suitable for 12 cm diameter pots.
Kalanchoe: A succulent that blooms from March to June and requires little water. It grows well even in 10 cm diameter pots.
Lobelias: Related to Campanulas, Lobelias include about 400 species with fan-shaped flowers. Blooming from April to October, their colour and flowering period vary by species.




Primula: Known for its vibrant spring blooms, the common variety has large, pale yellow petals, but hybrids offer many bright colours. It grows in 12 cm diameter pots and should be shielded from direct summer sunlight.

Marigolds (Tagetes): These annuals have decorative silky leaves and colourful, long-lasting flowers similar to carnations, blooming from May to October. Flowers can be red, orange, yellow, white, or bi-coloured (usually red and yellow). Dwarf varieties grow up to 25 cm tall and can be cultivated in 12 cm diameter pots.

Viola: Ideal for winter balcony decoration, Violas resist frost and bloom from December to April. They can be grown in 12 cm diameter pots.


