If your balcony is small, you can still enjoy lush blooms by choosing plants suitable for small pots. Here are some varieties to consider, with a special focus on dwarf hybrids.
Ideal Plants for Small Pots:
Begonias (Begonia semperflorens): These plants bloom continuously from April until late autumn, producing small flowers in white, pink, yellow, and red. They thrive in 12 cm diameter pots. Calceolaria: This annual herbaceous plant flowers from April to June. It features small, heart-shaped leaves and uniquely shaped flowers in shades of orange, red, and brown, with contrasting spots. Suitable for 12 cm diameter pots. Kalanchoe: A succulent that blooms from March to June and requires little water. It grows well even in 10 cm diameter pots. Lobelias: Related to Campanulas, Lobelias include about 400 species with fan-shaped flowers. Blooming from April to October, their colour and flowering period vary by species.