Scabiosa plants, known for their colourful blooms, are perfect for creating a garden space that attracts bees and butterflies, which are drawn to the plant's pollen and nectar. Scabiosa is a perennial herbaceous plant celebrated for its long flowering period, which extends from June to October.

Varieties and Appearance

  • Scabiosa caucasica: This variety features delicate lavender or blue flowers with a white center, approximately 6 cm wide. Hybrids of this variety can also be completely white.
  • Scabiosa columbaria: Known for its more vibrant red or purple flowers, this variety offers a splash of color to any garden.
  • Dwarf Varieties: Ideal for container cultivation on terraces, these varieties are more compact.

Scabiosa stems can reach a height of 40-50 cm, making them excellent for brightening up flower beds and borders. They also serve well as cut flowers


Ideal Growing Conditions
Scabiosa plants are sensitive to frost below -5°C and may lose their leaves and aerial parts if exposed to such conditions in the garden during December. However, the plant remains alive and will reemerge in spring. For abundant blooms, select a sunny location.

Planting Scabiosa

  • Timing: Transplant Scabiosa seedlings from nurseries into the garden in spring, after the risk of late frosts has passed (typically between March and April, depending on your climate zone).
  • Preparation: Prepare planting holes a few days before transplanting. Incorporate a slow-release fertilizer for flowering plants into the soil and ensure proper drainage by watering the holes and checking that water drains quickly without creating puddles.
  • Soil: If the soil retains too much moisture, widen the holes, add a layer of inert material (such as gravel) at the bottom, and fill them with a mix of flowering plant soil and sand. This prevents root rot and fungal diseases.
  • Fertilisation: The granular fertilizer applied at planting will last until the end of the flowering period. Repeat fertilization twice a year, in autumn and spring.


Watering Scabiosa
Initial Care: Newly sown and transplanted plants should be watered regularly until they are established.
Maintenance: Mature plants benefit from rainfall and are nearly self-sufficient. Water during the summer and during prolonged dry periods. You could try our ecofective Natural Water Storing Granules 350G to keep ontop of watering whilst you're on holiday!
Winter Dormancy: In winter, Scabiosa goes into dormancy and does not require watering.