Our Top Tips for your Spring and Summer Garden
March 20th marks the first day of spring which means that warmer, brighter days are on the horizon. Our hours of daylight are also starting to increase with each passing day allowing us to spend more time enjoying our gardens. If you’ve neglected your outside spaces during the winter months, then now is the perfect time to get back outside and get them ready for spring. Read on for our top tips for getting your garden back on track this spring.

Install a Water Butt
If you haven’t already installed a water butt or two in your garden, then now is the perfect time of year to do so. Attaching a water butt to your guttering or downpipes will prevent waste water from disappearing down the drain, allowing you to store it for future use. As our climate warms up and periods of summer drought become more common, being mindful of your water usage in the garden has never been more important.
Installing your water butt now will mean that you can take advantage of all that spring rainfall we usually experience over the next couple of months. You will then have a ready supply of water to ensure your pots, fruit trees, vegetables and flowers can cope with drought conditions more easily.

Spring Clean Your Patio

Create a good first impression by cleaning your patio, driveway, decking and other outdoor hard surfaces. Depending on how dirty they are, you might be able to get away with just giving them a good sweep with a broom, but if your patio is so discoloured you can’t remember what colour it should be, then you’re going to need a bit more help!

SPOT-ON Patio Restorer & Black Spot Remover has been designed to bring your patio, driveway and other hard surfaces back to life the easy way. Simply apply to the required area using a watering can or garden sprayer, leave to work for a minimum of two hours and then rinse away to reveal cleaner, brighter surfaces!

If you’re looking for a natural cleaning product which is safe to use around children and pets, then ecofective Natural Path, Patio & Decking Cleaner is the ideal product for you. As well as removing dirt and grime, the cleaner kills 99.9999% of bacteria.

Check on Your Garden Furniture
Do you neatly pack your garden furniture away for the winter or do you leave it outside so that it is open to the elements? If it has been packed away inside under a cover, then your furniture will need little to no TLC before it comes back out in the garden. However, if your furniture has been outside all winter, then it will probably need more than a gentle brush to make it ready for sitting on in the warmer months.
Ecofective Natural Anti-bac, Multi-purpose Outdoor Sanitiser, is great for giving your outdoor furniture a spring clean at this time of year. As well as helping to remove dirt and grime, this cleaner will ensure that 99.999% of germs are killed as well. The spray can also be used on children’s play furniture, door handles and even BBQs. Plus, as it is part of our ecofective range, it is safe to use around pets and children.

Give Your Lawn Some TLC
The winter months can take their toll on our lawns, especially if you have young children or pets running around on them. Most lawns will benefit from being raked to remove any moss or weeds which have developed during the wetter months. Similarly, if you live in an area which has seen a lot of winter rainfall, then make sure you aerate it to allow any surface water to easily sink into the ground. You can buy special tools to do this, but an easy (and cost effective) way is to use a garden fork to create holes every 15-20 cm or so.

Next, we recommend giving your lawn a good feed with ecofective Natural Lawn Feed Liquid Concentrate which has been specially formulated to provide your grass with all the nutrients needed throughout the growing season. Simply dilute 2 capfuls of liquid lawn feed into 6 litres of water; apply to your lawn using a watering can with a fine rose attached or via a sprinkler bar and leave it to work its magic on your grass!

Do a Garden Stock Check
Now is a great time to go through your garden shed or garage and sort out your plant feeds and bug sprays. Throw away anything which is well past its use by date and then make a list of what you will need for the coming growing season. Whilst it might be too early to use some of these products in your garden, buying them earlier in the season will ensure you have them ready to go come late spring and summer.
Buying in bulk is another great tip for saving money in the long run too. Here at myproductstore, our tiered pricing system enables you to save an amazing 25% when you purchase 3 or more of the same product.

And Relax…
After following our top tips, your garden should now be ready for the warmer weather and spring entertaining. In amongst all that hard work, don’t forget to sit down and take some time to enjoy your garden.

Happy Gardening!